Chelsea & Battersea
Finalement, voilà quelques photos de Chelsea et Battersea. Chelsea est un quartier chic, Battersea est un mélange, mais les deux sont au sud-ouest de Londres et au bord de la Tamise! Finally, here are a few pictures of Chelsea and Battersea. Chelsea is posh, Battersea a mix of posh and poor, but both are in South-West London and next to the Thames!
Je n'ai pas grand chose à raconter sur les photos, vu que je me suis balladée au hasard, en prenant des photos aussi au hasard... Il faut aussi dire que le temps n'était pas franchement clément!
I don't have much to say about the pictures, because I just wandered around randomly and took pictures when I saw something remotely interesting... Besides, the weather wasn't really on my side!
Sloane Square, Chelsea.
Battersea Park's pagoda. In a perfect location, next to the Thames.
La pancarte qui accueille les promeneurs sur le pont: "Les troupes doivent rompre le pas en passant le pont". Est-ce que la fréquence de résonance du pont est tellement proche de celle de la marche au pas qu'un régiment suffirait à faire tomber le pont, telle est la question...
A welcoming sign for pedestrians crossing the bridge. Is the resonance frequency of the bridge so close to the one of marching soldiers that a regiment would be enough to bring the bridge down, that is the question...
Yes, the resonance could destroy the bridge. It took them a few broken bridges to figure that one out...
4:13 AM
Yeah right - tui! When have they ever tested this theory on a real bridge with real soldiers?
11:38 AM
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