Une ch'tite Française à Londres/A lil' French girl in London

23 janvier 2007

Rubrique necrologie

J'ai appris hier que l'Abbe Pierre etait mort (en plein cours, ca sert la French connection!). Je sais qu'il etait bien vieux, mais c'est quand meme triste. Voila, vu que je n'aurai pas droit a la couverture mediatique francaise, je lui consacre un petit post... A part ca, lecture, lecture, lecture.... Des articles, des chapitres, des articles et des chapitres, sans fin. Enfin, bref, a bientot pour plus de photos!

I've learned yesterday that the Abbe Pierre had just died. As you're certainly not familiar with him, it's the French equivalent of Mother Theresa (ok, the French and MALE equivalent of Mother Theresa). He created an association, Emmaus, which helps homeless, jobless, family-less people to find a place in society again. He's been constantly in the top ten favourite French people in the last decade. He was very old, but it's sad, so I just wanted to write a tiny little post about him!
A part from that, readings, readings and more readings... Articles, chapters, articles, chapters, all of them seemingly endless. Anyway, see you soon for more pictures and fun stuff!!!

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